Monday, February 20, 2012

MS SQL .mdf .ldf files corrupeted.

I have lost my my database due to hardware failure some how I have recovered it now but the problem is when I add in my database Sql unable to recocnize it. I tried some software but all i vain. Any good software or way to recover it.I'm guessing that someone here can help, but at least I need more details to figure out what you need.

I don't understand how you've recovered your database if you can't get SQL Server to recognize it. That seems like a pretty fundamental part of "recovery" to me.

Can you explain what you've actually got, what you've tried, and the results of those attempts? I'm pretty sure someone here can help, I'm just not clear on how that might be yet.

-PatP|||Well I have recovered it via a data recovery tool but when I add it to my database sql give me an error that sql is unable to recognise it and its not a valid sql file bla bla.|||One thing more I already tried mssqlrecovery software from|||so are u saying that u recovered a .mdf and .ldf file and trying to attach it back or something??
as pat mentioned, u need to explain what exactly u have got recovered and what steps u have taken... then and then some one here might be able to help u with the situation in hand.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would recommend you recover corrupted database owing to following software repair database sql utility restores databases since Microsoft SQL Server 2000

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