MS SQL 2000 running on Windows Terminal Services Server 2003
I have a client who is running MS SQL 2000 a Windows Terminal Server
On this server they have install an ERP package that uses the MS SQL
Putting aside the hardware requires... Can one really run the two
Is there an MS Tech note stating they can or can't?
Thanks for the infro.I don't know about the ERP app but we have an app - secure access control
that uses SQL 2000 as it's database and runs on the same machine as the
database. The vendor of the app is happy with that. Maybe the ERP vendor
is a better person to ask if this is doable.
DGBQ wrote:
> MS SQL 2000 running on Windows Terminal Services Server 2003
> I have a client who is running MS SQL 2000 a Windows Terminal Server
> 2003.
> On this server they have install an ERP package that uses the MS SQL
> 2000.
> Putting aside the hardware requires... Can one really run the two
> together?
> Is there an MS Tech note stating they can or can't?
> Thanks for the infro.
Brett I. Holcomb
Remove R777 to email|||Brett
So you are running MS SQL 2000 + Windows Terminal Server 2003. +
secure access control on the same box?
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