get the following error message:
'No sql server instances installed on this computer qualify for this Hotfix.
Check the version, language and
service pack requirement for this Hotfix', and the patch does not go on. I h
ave successfully put this fix
onto 35 other SQL Server 2000 SP3 servers.
The two I am getting the errors on are SQL Server 2000, sp3, and the languag
e is English. I cant seem to find
any log files to point me any Further. Would appreciate any suggestions, thi
ngs to check, etc. to find why we are getting
this error. Thanks, Johnlogfiles are put in c:\%windows%\sqlhotfix
Kevin Connell, MCDBA
The views expressed here are my own
and not of my employer.
"John Anthony" <> wrote in message
> I am trying to install ms03-031 (q815495) on a couple of our sql servers
and get the following error message:
> 'No sql server instances installed on this computer qualify for this
Hotfix. Check the version, language and
> service pack requirement for this Hotfix', and the patch does not go on. I
have successfully put this fix
> onto 35 other SQL Server 2000 SP3 servers.
> The two I am getting the errors on are SQL Server 2000, sp3, and the
language is English. I cant seem to find
> any log files to point me any Further. Would appreciate any suggestions,
things to check, etc. to find why we are getting
quote:|||Thanks, found the log files.
> this error. Thanks, John
Here is the tail end, where the error occurs.
Im not sure what it is saying. We are running SQL Server 2000 SE, product ve
rsion 8.00.760(sp3).
First error seems to be a product code issue. Any suggestions on how to fix
or what to do next
would be gratly appreciated. thanks, John.
<Func Name='CService::~CService'><Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance'><End
Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance' Return='2' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc
Name='PerformSQLDetection' Return='0' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='Qualif
ySQLComputer'><Func Name='Q
Verifying Instance MSSQLSERVER to see if it qualifies for this hotfix
Instance MSSQLSERVER does not meet the requirements for this HotFix or there
is no such instance installed on this computer
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLInstance' Return='87' GetLastError='997'>
HotFix Installer did not find any installation or instance of SQL that quali
fies for this hotfix
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLComputer' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
No components of SQL found on this computer that qualifies for this package.
<EndFunc Name='SQLHotfix' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='Ha
ndlePackage' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
Verifying Instance MSSQLSERVER to see if it qualifies for this hotfix
Instance MSSQLSERVER does not meet the requirements for this HotFix or there
is no such instance installed on this computer
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLInstance' Return='87' GetLastError='997'>
HotFix Installer did not find any installation or instance of SQL that quali
fies for this hotfix
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLComputer' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
No components of SQL found on this computer that qualifies for this package.
<EndFunc Name='SQLHotfix' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='Ha
ndlePackage' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
=== Completed processing package defined in Hotfix2.inf with return code: 11
=== Of the 2 packages no package qualified to run on this computer
<EndFunc Name='ProcessPackages' Return='1168' GetLastError='1813'><EndFunc N
ame='WinMain' Return='1168' GetLastError='1813'>|||Have you run SQLDiag.exe on the machines that are having problems and
reviewed the output of SQLdiag.txt?
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Reviewed output of SQLDiag.txt and nothing stands out. Compared with other S
P3 systems, and everything seems the
same. Could you please advise what to do next, Thanks, John|||Attach the SQLdiag.txt . I'd like to take a look.
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Kevin,
Here is the output of the hot fix. I cant seem to attach the sqldiag.txt her
e. Can I email it? Thanks for looking at this.
Microsoft SQL Server Group of Products HotFix beginning Mon Dec 08 13:40:43
<Func Name='WinMain'><Func Name='InitGlobals'>
OS Detected: Windows 2000 family
<EndFunc Name='InitGlobals' Return='0' GetLastError='203'><Func Name='Proces
sPackages'><Func Name='LoadPackages'><Func Name='ReadPackageInformation'><En
dFunc Name='ReadPackageInformation' Return='0' GetLastError='0'><Func Name='
n'><EndFunc Name='ReadTargetProductInformation' Return='0' GetLastError='0'>
<Func Name='ReadPackageInformation'><EndFunc Name='ReadPackageInformation' R
eturn='0' GetLastError='0'><Func Name='ReadTargetProductInformation'><EndFun
c Name='ReadTargetProductIn
formation' Return='0' GetLastError='0'><EndFunc Name='LoadPackages' Return='
0' GetLastError='2'>
=== Processing package defined in Hotfix1.inf
<Func Name='HandlePackage'>
=== Starting Hotfix Build : 0818
=== Hotfix KB Article : 815495
=== Installer Base: Hotfix
=== Target Product Name : SQL
=== Target Product Version : 8.00
=== Target Product Service Pack requirement : 3
<Func Name='SQLHotfix'>
=== Hotfix targetting SQL Installations
<Func Name='PerformSQLDetection'><Func Name='CService::CService'><Func Name=
'CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Open'><EndFunc Name='CServi
ceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CServiceNT::UpdateServ
iceStatus'><Func Name='CSer
viceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceN
T::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CService::~CService'><Fu
nc Name='CService::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name=
Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CServiceNT
::UpdateServiceStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CSer
viceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='99
7'><Func Name='CService::~
CService'><Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance'><EndFunc Name='GetProductCo
deForInstance' Return='2' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='PerformSQLDetect
ion' Return='0' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CorrectCSDVersion'><EndFunc N
ame='CorrectCSDVersion' Ret
urn='0' GetLastError='0'><Func Name='PerformSQLDetection'><Func Name='CServi
ce::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Op
en'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Nam
eStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'
><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name=
'CService::~CService'><Func Name='CService::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT
::CServiceNT'><Func Name='C
ServiceNT::Open'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='9
97'><Func Name='CServiceNT::UpdateServiceStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CS
erviceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' R
eturn='T' GetLastError='997
'><Func Name='CService::~CService'><Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance'><E
ndFunc Name='GetProductCodeForInstance' Return='2' GetLastError='997'><EndFu
nc Name='PerformSQLDetection' Return='0' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='Qual
ifySQLComputer'><Func Name=
Verifying Instance MSSQLSERVER to see if it qualifies for this hotfix
Instance MSSQLSERVER does not meet the requirements for this HotFix or there
is no such instance installed on this computer
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLInstance' Return='87' GetLastError='997'>
HotFix Installer did not find any installation or instance of SQL that quali
fies for this hotfix
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLComputer' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
No components of SQL found on this computer that qualifies for this package.
<EndFunc Name='SQLHotfix' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='Ha
ndlePackage' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
=== Completed processing package defined in Hotfix1.inf with return code: 11
=== Processing package defined in Hotfix2.inf
<Func Name='HandlePackage'>
=== Starting Hotfix Build : 0818
=== Hotfix KB Article : 815495
=== Installer Base: Hotfix
=== Target Product Name : SQL
=== Target Product Version : 8.00
=== Target Product Service Pack requirement : None
<Func Name='SQLHotfix'>
=== Hotfix targetting SQL Installations
<Func Name='PerformSQLDetection'><Func Name='CService::CService'><Func Name=
'CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Open'><EndFunc Name='CServi
ceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CServiceNT::UpdateServ
iceStatus'><Func Name='CSer
viceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceN
T::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CService::~CService'><Fu
nc Name='CService::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name=
Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CServiceNT
::UpdateServiceStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CSer
viceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='99
7'><Func Name='CService::~
CService'><Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance'><EndFunc Name='GetProductCo
deForInstance' Return='2' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='PerformSQLDetect
ion' Return='0' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='CorrectCSDVersion'><EndFunc N
ame='CorrectCSDVersion' Ret
urn='0' GetLastError='0'><Func Name='PerformSQLDetection'><Func Name='CServi
ce::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT::CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Op
en'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Nam
eStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CServiceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'
><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' Return='T' GetLastError='997'><Func Name=
'CService::~CService'><Func Name='CService::CService'><Func Name='CServiceNT
::CServiceNT'><Func Name='C
ServiceNT::Open'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Open' Return='T' GetLastError='9
97'><Func Name='CServiceNT::UpdateServiceStatus'><Func Name='CServiceNT::~CS
erviceNT'><Func Name='CServiceNT::Close'><EndFunc Name='CServiceNT::Close' R
eturn='T' GetLastError='997
'><Func Name='CService::~CService'><Func Name='GetProductCodeForInstance'><E
ndFunc Name='GetProductCodeForInstance' Return='2' GetLastError='997'><EndFu
nc Name='PerformSQLDetection' Return='0' GetLastError='997'><Func Name='Qual
ifySQLComputer'><Func Name=
Verifying Instance MSSQLSERVER to see if it qualifies for this hotfix
Instance MSSQLSERVER does not meet the requirements for this HotFix or there
is no such instance installed on this computer
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLInstance' Return='87' GetLastError='997'>
HotFix Installer did not find any installation or instance of SQL that quali
fies for this hotfix
<EndFunc Name='QualifySQLComputer' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
No components of SQL found on this computer that qualifies for this package.
<EndFunc Name='SQLHotfix' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'><EndFunc Name='Ha
ndlePackage' Return='1168' GetLastError='997'>
=== Completed processing package defined in Hotfix2.inf with return code: 11
=== Of the 2 packages no package qualified to run on this computer
<EndFunc Name='ProcessPackages' Return='1168' GetLastError='1813'><EndFunc N
ame='WinMain' Return='1168' GetLastError='1813'>|||Run the following command and post the results.
OSQL -E -Q"select @.@.version"
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.|||Here is the output from the command. Thanks, John
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.760 (Intel X86)
Dec 17 2002 14:22:05
right (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Standard Edition on Windows N
T 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)|||Review the following registry keys on your machine.
They should look like this:
CSDVersion (string) 8.00.761
CSDVersionNumber (dword) 300 (hex)
Update these keys as needed, and retry applying the Security Update.
Kevin McDonnell
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.
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