Monday, March 26, 2012

Ms SQL server db options for performance issues after db corruption

Hello SQL forum readers,
I have a customer using Ms SQL Server 2000 SP3 installed on optical RAID-5
Disk Array (IBM Fast200 SAN).
After a disk failure his production db was corrupted and since the failed
disk was replaced, cust. restored a valid backup
in order to support his business operations (with one day transcations
We have dome a lot of troubleshooting and investigation (traces, logs,
dumps) in order to identify what caused the corruption.
But now, cust. faces low performance problems.
I have already suggested to use additionally the following options :
A) Auto Options:
Auot create statistics
Auto update statistics
B) Recovery Options:
Recursive Triggers
I would be much appreciated If I could have any advise regararding any
additional db option setting that could assist :
a) What about Quoted Identifiers or other SQL option?
b) What about Torn Page Detection (recovery option)
c) Any other cursor options that could assist?
Is there additional MEM/CPU overhead by enabling those options?
I have also advised cust, to execute the command SET SHOWPLAN_ALL in order
to gather details abour executed statements
Anything else I can do?
Any advise will be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Regards, Nick Dakoronias
IBM Athens/Greece
I think you need to pin-point, what exactly has slowed, since the database
was restored. Is it a specific screen/query?
I'd start with Profiler to identify long running stored procedures and CPU
intensive queries, and start tuning those that come up as slow and
Also, do you have a performance benchmark of the system, before the problem?
If so, you can compare that benchmark to the current system performance, to
validate how good/bad the system is compared to the old benchmark.
Vyas, MVP (SQL Server)
"Nick Dakoronias" <> wrote in message
Hello SQL forum readers,
I have a customer using Ms SQL Server 2000 SP3 installed on optical RAID-5
Disk Array (IBM Fast200 SAN).
After a disk failure his production db was corrupted and since the failed
disk was replaced, cust. restored a valid backup
in order to support his business operations (with one day transcations
We have dome a lot of troubleshooting and investigation (traces, logs,
dumps) in order to identify what caused the corruption.
But now, cust. faces low performance problems.
I have already suggested to use additionally the following options :
A) Auto Options:
Auot create statistics
Auto update statistics
B) Recovery Options:
Recursive Triggers
I would be much appreciated If I could have any advise regararding any
additional db option setting that could assist :
a) What about Quoted Identifiers or other SQL option?
b) What about Torn Page Detection (recovery option)
c) Any other cursor options that could assist?
Is there additional MEM/CPU overhead by enabling those options?
I have also advised cust, to execute the command SET SHOWPLAN_ALL in order
to gather details abour executed statements
Anything else I can do?
Any advise will be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Regards, Nick Dakoronias
IBM Athens/Greece

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