Friday, March 23, 2012

MS SQL server 2005: collect procedure for "dts pipeline generate error

Dear experts,

My MS SQL Server 2005 is generating the following error. may i know what's wrong with it?

The Collect Procedure for the "DTSPipeline" service in DLL "XXX:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server (x86)\90\DTS\Binn\DTSPipelinePerf.dll" generated an exception or returned an invalid status. Performance data returned by counter DLL will be not be returned in Perf Data Block. The exception or status code returned is the first DWORD in the attached data.

Thanks in advance for any assistance rendered.

Where are you seeing this error? During install or when you run something?

Sam Lester (MSFT)

|||Hi Sam,

It is an error generated in the application log. source: Perflib with an EventID [1010]. The server that generated the error when it was running.

Hopefully, my limited information helps. Thanks for attending to my problem!


Patrick, I'm moving it over to the IS thread to see if they know the error.


|||Hi Sam,

Thanks for the effort. However, I have not received any comments about the error. Maybe you can refer me to other fourms where I can find leads to this issue?

Patrick|||Are you able to create and execute any ssis package on this server?|||I am also seeing this error in my Event Viewer on a Windows 2003 Server with SQL 2005 installed, as well as IIS.

I have tried the following "perflib fix" I found on the web, but it does not effect this error message and it is still showing up.

fix for perflib errors in event logs on WinServer2k & WinServer2k3
open a cmd prompt, change working directory to
C:\windows\system32 and type the following:
unlodctr w3svc
unlodctr msftpsvc
unlodctr asp
unlodctr inetinfo
lodctr w3ctrs.ini
lodctr ftpctrs.ini
lodctr axperf.ini
lodctr infoctrs.ini
reboot when done

Anyone have an idea on this one?

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